When my son and I first began this adventure, neither of us had any prior coding experience. We found that learning code is a lot like hiking up a big mountain trail. It takes persistence, endurance and patience. By putting in the time and effort on a daily basis, we made steady progress up the path.
As we moved from beginners to where we are now, we have taken several screenshots of this website to mark benchmarks of our progress. Below are some earlier versions of where we were on the trail.
This is my first upload of the CodeMoms website using only HTML with a bit of inline styling. Very Simple.
This is the second version using HTML and CSS for colors.
By May, we had begun to learn about working with images. We also added a navigation bar and included external hyperlinks to my blog page. This site is still built with only HTML and CSS.
After learning some more CSS, this fourth version included floating boxes as well as social media icons and links.
Version 5 includes a fixed background image and boxes with opaque transparencies. It also has a color scheme to match the theme of hiking on trails.
After learning about the importance of building a "responsive" website, we built version 6 with a Bootstrap framework. Much of the content and design is the same, but now our website is more flexible and can be seen on any sized device.
We had been learning user interactivity with Javascript and jQuery through our courses. During this period, we created a lot of Mini Projects to practice different effects. On version 7, we added a code to cause the school blocks to flip over with a mouse click or tap (mobile) for more info on the back.
This is our current version. It has a Bootstrap collapsible navbar for easier viewing on mobile devices and a sticky background with scrolling divs for a more dynamic user experience.